Saturday, November 25, 2006

Duffy's as we know no longer

New owners take over Duffy's, "Pub of the Stars" today at 10am.
Dewey and Steve promise that they won't change a thing except add another TV in the northwest corner, open at 8am and open on Sundays. Other than that, they assure the regulars, things will be as normal as is possible in such an establishment. No one can assure normalacy when there's so much booze involved.
Frankly, without the Pat and Miriams influence, things can't be as they were, exactly. No matter how hard they try. It may look the same, but it can't be the same. Who knows, it may be BETTER. It just can't be the same. Pat and Mir were Duffy's.
It'll be my watering hole until they bring in pool table, set up 27 big screen TVs for sports viewing, and pole dancing in the back.
It'll be a nostalgic moment for long-term Duffy's regulars. But, we wish the new guys well.

1 comment:

Gene said...

My first comment on your new blog.

I'm in mourning over this. Or maybe not, Pole Dancing eh?????

But, maybe some things never change.

I like the new blog without the pain.

Thanks for letting me know about it.

About Me

I am the father of three adult children. Two sons Curt and Charles, and a beautiful daughter, Casey.