Monday, December 25, 2006

Where were you when you first heard?

James Brown, the "hardest working man in show business," "The Godfather of Soul," is dead. Age 73. I always dug James, except when he was beating women or threatening them with firearms. I'm that way with lots of guys though. Kirby Puckett for one. His music has a great deal in common with Polka. Ever notice how every Polka song sounds JUST like the next one? Or the previous one? The only things changing are the lyrics. I swear James Brown cut ONE music track and used it on ALL of his hits. My fave JB hit was "It's a Mans, Mans, Mans, Mans World." And who hasn't shaken a love thang to "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag." And, for the timid, there was always "Get Up, (I Feel Like Being) a Sex Machine."
James we hardly knew ye...

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About Me

I am the father of three adult children. Two sons Curt and Charles, and a beautiful daughter, Casey.