Saddam as a child. Pre-despot era.

Not that it matters, but, somehow, I feel a bit of sadness at the hanging of Saddam Hussein. I don't think we've discovered the extent of the USA's involvement in the gassing of the Kurds. One of our listeners on The Jack and Sandy Show said that Saddam got the gas from France. Well, who hasn't gotten gas from France? It would be nice to get the truth from someone other than well-known liars like the Bushies. I think he should have been kept alive, forever, in a tiny cell in some two-bit, third-world jail. A lifetime in a 9x7 cell sounds much worse than the momentary horror one would feel as he stepped upon the gallows.
A lifetime of terror has been repaid by a one-second drop with noose?
More important items are on the agenda this morning. I haven't written of my partner Sandy's husband having a medical adventure. He is home, recovering from major surgery. Without being too explicit, it was a typical male-only surgery, involving hard to get at body parts being removed. Cancer was in the mix, and has been completely removed. He is doing well and will recover fully. Doug, or as a few people who dare call him, "Pookie" is a great guy, a mental wizard and a good friend. I'm glad he's doing well.
This whole episode with Pookie has been reminiscent of a similar situation with my "Old Geezer" friend. Both these guys, among my hard-core group of true friends, get the same thing, same treatment and same outcome. I wonder if I'm an allergen? (I tend to think that I'm responsible for ALL THINGS...I'm not though...see: SADDAM HANGING.)
Another thing.
The Forum newspaper published an article about Ed Schultzreturning to KFGO. Many have expressed concern for Sandy and I if Big Ed comes back to the ranch. As with all things in life, there are only two things we can count on for sure....death and age spots. Sandy and I run into Ed about everyday at CC. (His national show is produced upstairs, just down the hall from my office.) He's been very pleasant and confident. We still aren't absolutely positive whether he's the guy that fired us a couple of years ago, or Dick Voight...or was it CC's reaches from the Twin Cities? Don't know. Don't care.
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is all we really have.
I'm confident though that the new owner of KFGO is congizant of our contribution to 790's success over the years. However, anything can happen. But, by God, I've got my health and a well-written contract. January 1st I begin my duties as Program Director for KFGO. We expect the FCC will OK the transfer from Clear Channel to local ownership within a month.
In the meantime. a locally maintained message board has been yipping like a toy poodle about Ed, KFGO, and Sandy and I...
To party or not....that is the question. I'd like to toss back a few, get smart, get in a fight, run naked through the streets and drive over lawns. But, will likely stay home and watch the Food Network. Rachel Ray is going to show us how to make delightful snacks from used confetti and and lying excuses for getting home late. (HUH?)
Reality is Hard sometimes
Jack, here are a few irrevocable truths:
There will be change after the new ownership takes over
Some of that change will be unfavorable to you and Sandy
There are only 24 hours of broadcast time available
The best thing you have going for you is the local billing $$
Your contract with CC will be tested under the new ownership.
Lawyers collect fees to do this; it may be a way of wearing you and Sandy down
Ed will be back on local air, the national thing isn’t paying it’s own way. Advertisers hate to advertise on liberal radio. Conservatives have and spend money. Liberals not so much.
I’ll miss him when he’s no longer on our local Air America Station; It’s a way of keeping track of the moonbats on the other side. Ed isn’t as moonbatty as Randi Rhodes. She’s just south of Jupiter. Al Franken is a surprisingly decent man, wrong but decent.
So, Cheer up old sport. As Cypher said to Neo in the Matrix, “Buckle up, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride (in 2007)”.
In the end you’ll be OK. There is no improvement without change, but not all change is improvement.
Just ask Uncle Larry.
One other thing, Saddam is dead. I’m not sad at all. In fact my only regret is that it didn’t happen sooner. I wish he had been killed in a firefight like his kids were. There wouldn’t have been this 3 year nightmare and the recriminations. A few more executions and maybe some order will be restored. Al Sadar would be on my list. Tit and Tat for the Sunnis.
Think world peace. I do. Just differently from you.
Happy New Year
Gene, call me naive, but, I don't think that the change at KFGO will carry much if any negative connotation for Sandy and me. In fact, I have every reason to believe it'll be positive. (Unless the jamokes that post comments on Red and Nater get in charge.) I've already talked with the new owner guy and he's a good 'un. In fact, as of today, (January 1,) he's named me KFGO's Program Director. (That doesn't mean a whole lot, since I was PD when fired previously...)
The reason advertisers don't like doing opinion radio is not the conservatism or liberalism. It's opinionism. Hell, you should see the list of advertisers everyday that remind us that their ads ARE NOT TO BE RUN on Rush, Sean, Howard Stern, yada yada yada. Liberals have money.
Besides that, listen to the ads that run in Rush's show. They're not mainstream big-time national advertisers. They're big guys, but, they're not GE, GM or Wrigley. They're mattress manufacturers, weight-loss devices and dream vacations. Their money is green, but, even libs can afford an Aruba vacation. I think Al Franken is about as boring as a person can be.
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